February 08, 2010

Company Visit

This is the event that really make us happy...
can you imagine,,we must visiting 3 company in 1 day...
and, no one look so tired..they always enjoy our trip...
so...do you want to know, what happened in our event?
lets check it out...

Firts Company is Suara Merdeka..one of the newspapers in semarang

and second company is...catfish farms...
we eat the catfish and you know what?! we have durians and rambutans party... the delicious fruit from indonesia...
lets see what are we doing....

and..the last company is... Brux the Bistro...
the one of cafe for youth in semarang..

so, now you know why we said this is fun???!!!

AIESEC UD - Local Partners

AIESEC UD - Local Partners